Weather Bot Example
This example demonstrates how to create a weather bot using SwiBots. The bot can fetch current weather information for a given city using the OpenWeatherMap API.
Before you begin, make sure you have:
- Installed SwiBots (
pip install swibots
) - Installed the
library (pip install requests
) - Obtained a bot token from the Switch platform
- Signed up for a free API key from OpenWeatherMap
The Code
Here's the complete code for our weather bot:
import os
from swibots import Client, BotContext, MessageEvent
import requests
app = Client(os.environ["BOT_TOKEN"])
async def weather_handler(ctx: BotContext[MessageEvent]):
message = ctx.event.message
if message.message.startswith("/weather"):
city = message.message.split("/weather ", 1)[1]
weather_data = get_weather(city)
if weather_data:
response = format_weather_response(city, weather_data)
response = f"Sorry, I couldn't find weather information for {city}."
await message.respond(response)
def get_weather(city):
url = f"{city}&appid={WEATHER_API_KEY}&units=metric"
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200:
return response.json()
return None
def format_weather_response(city, data):
main = data['main']
weather = data['weather'][0]
return f"""Weather in {city}:
Temperature: {main['temp']}°C
Feels like: {main['feels_like']}°C
Humidity: {main['humidity']}%
Description: {weather['description'].capitalize()}"""
Running the Bot
To run the bot, set your environment variables and execute the script:
export BOT_TOKEN="your_bot_token_here"
export WEATHER_API_KEY="your_openweathermap_api_key_here"
Using the Bot
To use the bot, send a message in the following format:
/weather City Name
For example:
/weather London
The bot will respond with current weather information for the specified city.
This is a basic implementation. You might want to add error handling, input validation, and more features to make it production-ready.