Poll Bot Example
This example demonstrates how to create a poll bot using SwiBots. The bot allows users to create polls, vote on them, and view results.
Before you begin, make sure you have:
- Installed SwiBots (
pip install swibots
) - Obtained a bot token from the Switch platform
The Code
Here's the complete code for our poll bot:
import json
from swibots import (
Client, BotContext, MessageEvent, CallbackQueryEvent,
InlineKeyboardButton, InlineMarkup
app = Client("YOUR_BOT_TOKEN")
polls = {} # In-memory storage for polls
async def message_handler(ctx: BotContext[MessageEvent]):
message = ctx.event.message
if message.message.startswith("/createpoll"):
await create_poll(ctx)
elif message.message.startswith("/viewpolls"):
await view_polls(ctx)
async def callback_handler(ctx: BotContext[CallbackQueryEvent]):
data = json.loads(ctx.event.data)
if data["action"] == "vote":
await handle_vote(ctx, data)
async def create_poll(ctx: BotContext[MessageEvent]):
parts = ctx.event.message.message.split("\n")
if len(parts) < 4:
await ctx.event.message.respond("Please provide a question and at least 2 options.")
question = parts[0].replace("/createpoll ", "")
options = parts[1:]
poll_id = str(len(polls) + 1)
polls[poll_id] = {"question": question, "options": options, "votes": {opt: 0 for opt in options}}
await ctx.event.message.respond(f"Poll created with ID: {poll_id}")
async def view_polls(ctx: BotContext[MessageEvent]):
if not polls:
await ctx.event.message.respond("No polls available.")
for poll_id, poll in polls.items():
buttons = []
for option in poll["options"]:
text=f"{option} ({poll['votes'][option]} votes)",
callback_data=json.dumps({"action": "vote", "poll_id": poll_id, "option": option})
markup = InlineMarkup(buttons)
await ctx.event.message.respond(
f"Poll {poll_id}: {poll['question']}",
async def handle_vote(ctx: BotContext[CallbackQueryEvent], data):
poll_id = data["poll_id"]
option = data["option"]
polls[poll_id]["votes"][option] += 1
await ctx.event.answer("Vote recorded!")
await view_polls(ctx)
Running the Bot
To run the bot, simply execute the script:
python poll_bot.py
Using the Bot
Create a poll:
/createpoll What's your favorite color?
Yellow -
View active polls:
Vote on a poll by clicking the option buttons.
Features Demonstrated
- Command handling
- Inline keyboards
- Callback query handling
- Basic data persistence (in-memory)
- Dynamic message updates
This is a basic implementation. For a production-ready bot, consider adding error handling, input validation, and persistent storage for polls.