📄️ Calculator Bot Example
This example demonstrates a more complex use case of a mini app using SwiBots. The bot creates an advanced calculator with basic arithmetic, scientific functions, and calculation history.
📄️ Creating Your First Bot: Echo Bot
In this example, we'll create a simple echo bot using SwiBots. This bot will respond to any message it receives by sending the same message back to the user.
📄️ Mini App Bot Example
This example demonstrates how to create a bot that launches a mini app using SwiBots. The mini app showcases various UI components and interactions.
📄️ Poll Bot Example
This example demonstrates how to create a poll bot using SwiBots. The bot allows users to create polls, vote on them, and view results.
📄️ Restaurant Menu and Order Bot Example
This example demonstrates a real-world use case of a mini app using SwiBots. The bot creates a restaurant menu app where users can browse menu items, add them to a cart, and place an order.
📄️ Task Management Bot Example
This example demonstrates a real-world use case of a mini app using SwiBots. The bot creates a task management application where users can add tasks, mark them as complete, and view their task lists.
📄️ Travel Planner Bot Example
This example demonstrates a comprehensive real-world use case of a mini app using SwiBots. The bot creates a travel planning application where users can explore destinations, check weather forecasts, convert currencies, and manage their travel itineraries.
📄️ Weather Bot Example
This example demonstrates how to create a weather bot using SwiBots. The bot can fetch current weather information for a given city using the OpenWeatherMap API.