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The ListItem class represents a list tile in a user interface.


  • title (Optional): The main title of the list tile.
  • subtitle (Optional): The subtitle of the list tile.
  • subtitle2 (Optional): An additional subtitle for the list tile.
  • subtitle_action (Optional): Action associated with the subtitle.
  • callback_data (Optional): Data associated with a callback.
  • right (Optional): A list of components to be displayed on the right side of the list tile.
  • left (Optional): A list of components to be displayed on the left side of the list tile.

Usage Example

# Create a ListItem instance:
list_item = ListItem(
title="Item Title",
subtitle="Item Subtitle",
subtitle2="Additional Subtitle",
subtitle_action="Subtitle Action",
callback_data="Callback Data",
# right=[Components...],
# left=[Components...]

Unlike GridItem which is used in Grid, ListItem is used in Dropdown and not List.