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The Message class contains a property called inline_markup where you can add buttons to allow the user interact with your bot. This is called an inline keyboard.

Creating an inline keyboard

You can create an inline keyboard using the InlineKeyboard class.

The InlineKeyboard class has 4 properties:

  • inline_keyboard: A list of lists (each list is an inline_markup row, containing another list with one or more InlineKeyboardButton) of InlineKeyboardButton objects.

This class contains a method called add_button that allows you to add buttons to the keyboard. This method accepts a InlineKeyboardButton object as a parameter.

The InlineKeyboardButton class has 4 properties:

  • text: The text that will be shown on the button.
  • callback_data: The data that will be sent to the bot when the button is pressed.
  • url: The URL that will be opened when the button is pressed.
  • game: Whether the button is game button, (url must be present.)

You can also add a inline keyboard passing a list of lists (each list is an inline_markup row, containing another list with one or more InlineKeyboardButton) of InlineKeyboardButton objects to the inline_keyboard parameter of the InlineMarkup class.

Here is an example of how to create an inline keyboard, add it to a message and receive the callback data when the user presses a button:

from swibots import Client, BotContext, CallbackQueryEvent, CommandEvent, InlineMarkup, InlineKeyboardButton, regexp
import os

env_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", ".env")

TOKEN = os.environ.get('BOT_TOKEN')

# initialize the app and register commands
app = Client(
auto_update_bot=False, # disable auto update bot info

# Setup what to do on receiving [buttons] command
async def buttons_handler(ctx: BotContext[CommandEvent]):
m = ctx.event.message
inline_keyboard = [
InlineKeyboardButton(text="Option 1", callback_data="option1"),
InlineKeyboardButton(text="Option 2", callback_data="option2"),
InlineKeyboardButton(text="Option 3", callback_data="option3"),
InlineKeyboardButton(text="Option 4", callback_data="option4"),
inline_markup = InlineMarkup(inline_keyboard=inline_keyboard)
await m.reply_text(f"Please select an option:", inline_markup=inline_markup)

# handle callback query
async def callback_query_handler(ctx: BotContext[CallbackQueryEvent]):
message = ctx.event.message
message.message = f"Option with data: {ctx.event.callback_data} selected!"

# Register the command to receive CommandEvent
BotCommand('buttons', 'Get buttons'),