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Every bot is an instance of the Client class. You can create a new bot by calling the Client constructor and passing it the bot token and the bot description.

from swibots import Client

app = Client("token", "your bot description")

Register bot commands

In order to be able to use the bot commands, you need to register them with the set_bot_commands method of the app. This method accepts a list of BotCommand objects.

from swibots import Client, BotCommand

app = Client("token", "your bot description", auto_update_bot=False) # [False] here means the commands are set one time until the bot is running

BotCommand("hello", "Hello description", True), # [True] here means the command is available in communities
BotCommand("bye", "By description", False), # [False] here means its only available in personal chats with the bot

The app will update your bot commands every time you run it, you can disable this behavior (for example, you just want to register your commands one time and you are not planning to update them) setting auto_update_bot param on the Client constructor to False.


The switch server will only send a [CommandEvent] to you only if you have it registred as a command! Otherwise it's a normal message.

BotCommand class

The BotCommand class is a dataclass that contains the following fields:

  • command:str - The command.
  • description:str - The command description.
  • channel:bool - Whether the command is available for use in communities or not.