🗃️ Inline Types
4 items
📄️ BotInfo
Class swibots.api.bot.models.BotInfo
📄️ Channel
Class swibots.api.community.models.Channel
📄️ Community
Class swibots.api.community.models.Community
📄️ CommunityMember
Class swibots.api.community.models.CommunityMember
📄️ EmbedInlineField
Class swibots.api.chat.models.EmbedInlineField
📄️ EmbeddedMedia
The EmbeddedMedia class is used to send embedded media in messages.
📄️ GameInfo
- GameInfo object contains the info of the user's game score, level and the chat it is linked with.
📄️ Group
Class swibots.api.community.models.Group
📄️ InlineKeyboardButton
Class swibots.api.chat.models.InlineKeyboardButton
📄️ InlineMarkup
Class swibots.api.chat.models.InlineMarkup
📄️ Media
Class swibots.api.common.models.Media
📄️ Message
Class swibots.api.chat.models.User
📄️ Organization
Object containing info of organization.
📄️ OrgApp
App/Bot linked with organization.
📄️ RestrictedUser
Class swibots.api.community.models.RestrictedUser
📄️ Tournament
Class swibots.api.airdrop.models.Tournament
📄️ User
Class swibots.api.common.models.User